How To Spring Clean Your Business


Ah, springtime… The season for renewal, vitality, and balance. Suddenly the days are brighter, and blossoms are in bloom – No matter what the past months may have thrown at you, now is the time to set yourself up for a fresh start!

As a business owner, I’ve always believed that this seasonal transition marks a perfect period for reworking, cutting the clutter, lightening the load, and getting business back in order. It’s like spring cleaning but for your business rather than your home.  

Now is the perfect time to evaluate what’s been working and what hasn’t and devise ways to make your business work best for you, your team, and your clients moving forward. The process might seem daunting when I’m sure you have lots on your plate, but trust me, pressing that reset button will make you feel more in control and a lot happier! 

Here are my five favourite ways to spring clean your business…

desk with a note pad, glass of water, vase of flowers and a camera

Organize and clear the clutter

Organizing and eliminating what’s accumulated over the long hibernating months of winter is a fantastic way to give your office space a fresh start for the new season. Clean out your cabinets and drawers, and be sure to wipe everything down in the process so that you’re starting fresh. Also, now is the perfect time to create new organizational systems so that your space feels calm moving forward (so that you will too). 

Don’t forget to deep clean your digital space, too. Purge your inbox, create a better filing system, update installed programs, and take care of all the small details to help you stay more organized. 

Rework your business plan 

With all the daily events and challenges associated with running a business, a lot can go stale – your objectives, marketing strategy, financial projections, employee motivation, and more. So it only makes sense to review your business model from top to bottom to ensure you’re following a plan that still works effectively. Whether your business is well-established or relatively new, fine-tuning your plan to reflect recent changes drives progress. 

Now is an ideal time to ask yourself: Is my service or product still aligned with what I hope to achieve? Does my performance measure up to accomplishing intermediate and long-term goals? How valuable are current operational processes? How can I set and effectively execute new strategies? 

Refresh your marketing strategies

The process of refreshing your marketing strategies is a simple one that anyone can follow. First, examine your brand’s creative material. Does it still spark interest or reflect your new direction? Do you need to make slight tweaks or a complete overhaul? Then, spend time researching recent marketing trends to get a baseline. From there, use strategies aligning with where you want to go and supercharge your presence to ignite interest.

 Rediscover your passion

Often you feel optimistic about the future when you first get a business up and running, but over time, with all the challenges to keep things going, it’s easy to lose your fire and feel your passion waning. I’ve struggled with this off and on during my 11+ years in business, so trust me, you’re not alone. However, having found ways to rediscover my passion in my entrepreneurial journey, I strongly feel that constantly tapping into things you love to do (even outside work) can reignite the enthusiasm that returns you to your center.

Whether journaling to reconnect to your vision, dedicating time to activities that energize and excite you, or engaging with like-minded individuals to identify your unique abilities, now is the time to welcome doing so in abundance. Truly being passionate about what you do can help bring clarity when feeling doubtful, build authenticity, and inspire fresh, creative ideas. 

Set goals for the next 90 days

It’s no secret that goal-setting can drive business growth. But by giving yourself a list of long-term goals, it may be hard to follow through with your intentions because you are constantly working on too much at once. So, instead, think about what’s yet to come and set intentions for the next 90 days. 

Why a 90 days plan? Plain and simple, it’s a great way to stay motivated and go all in toward accomplishing something meaningful within that time frame. Breaking longer-term goals into 90-day stretches has been an absolute game-changer for me. This way, it’s easy to recognize success when milestones are achieved and feel more accomplished because things are actually getting done. 

I’d love to help you with your business

I hope these tips are helpful and inspiring to set you in a better direction toward what you ultimately want to accomplish in the months ahead.

I’d love to help you with your business, so here’s a peek inside my 8-week mentorship program

Being adaptable is what business life is all about, and I can help you navigate the early stages of your creative business. Together, we can discover lasting, life-changing results so that you feel more in control and excited. 

Do you have questions about anything? Then, book a complimentary call to discuss how I can help you set yourself up for success! 



Staci Edwards and her team provide interior design and decorating services to help you create a home that you truly love. 

Founder of Staci Edwards Interior Design

Staci Edwards

complimentary cALL with Staci.

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Interior design and decorating services to help you create a home you love — serving Toronto, Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga and surrounding areas since 2010. 

422 Pearl Street, Suite 2u
Burlington, Ontario L7R 2N1
